Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Kingzett / Sirl / et al update - pictures

Kolesar, Michelle M. middlename Marie added.

Pictures added

  1. Bill, Maryanne, and Frankie Kingzett (July 1949)
  2. Bob and Dorothy (Burns) Kingzett with their 5 children (1963)
  3. Bob and Dorothy Kingzett (nee Burns) with baby Robert Thomas `Tom`
  4. Bob Kingzett 6th grade class picture (1927)
  5. Bob Kingzett family dinner (1950s)
  6. Dennis John Kingzett (1952)
  7. Dorothy Mary (nee Burns) and Bob Kingzett (1952)
  8. Dorothy Mary Kingzett (nee Burns) (1952)
  9. Frank Thomas Kingzett (1930s?)
  10. Frank Thomas Kingzett (1930s?)
  11. James Richard Kingzett (1952)
  12. Kingzett women at picnic (1948)
  13. Kingzett women at picnic (1948)
  14. Kingzett women at picnic (1948)
  15. Mary Patricia Kingzett - 4th birthday
  16. Mary Patricia Kingzett (1952)
  17. Maryanne Kingzett (July 1949)
  18. Michelle Marie Kolesar birth announcement (1972)
  19. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett (1928)
  20. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett (1948)
  21. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett (1952)
  22. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett (1970s?)
  23. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett (late 1920s?)
  24. Robert John `Bob` Kingzett and old car (late 1920s?)
  25. Robert Thomas `Tom` Kingzett - 1 1/2 years old
  26. Robert Thomas `Tom` Kingzett (1952)
Photo 2 courtesy of Tom Kingzett
All other photos courtesy of Mary Pat Kolesar

Pictures updated

  1. Cleveland Patrolman Robert `Tom` Kingzett wounded
    Added notes from Tom Kingzett

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