Updates (25)
- Kacmarek, Marilyn - added marriage to Edward [--?--}
- Ras, Albert Jacob - added city of birth
- Ras, Bronislawa "Bernice" - changed preferred name to Bronislawa
- Ras, Jacob - added date of death
- Ras, John - changed month of death
- Ras, Mary Anna - added birthdate
- Sliva, David W. - added middle initial and marriage to Marsha [--?--}
- Sliwa, Helen A. - added place of birth
- Sliwa, Helen Mary - added middle name, place of birth, and place of death
- Sliwa, Henry - added marriage year and immigration date
- Sliwa, Sophie C. - added year of birth, place of birth, and marriage to Paula Stojkov
- Sliwa, Stanley W. - added place of birth and obituary
- Sliwa, Stephania - added birthdate and place of birth
- Sliwa, Therese B. - added place of birth and place of death
- Sliwa, Walter - added date of death and place of death
- Strenk, John - added aka of John String
- Strenk, Stephanie M. - added place of death
- Weber, Andrew A. - added middle initial, birthdate, date of death, and obit notice
- Zastawny, Anthony - changed birthdate and place, added date of death and place of death
- Zastawny, James J. - added middle initial and place of birth
- Zastawny, John P. - added middle initial, added birth year and birthplace
- Zastawny, Margaret M. - added place of birth
- Zastawny, Raymond J. - added place of death
- Zastawny, Stanley T. - added date of death and year of marriage
- Zastawny, Stefanie - added date of death and place of death
New individuals (19)
- [--?--], Edward - husband of Kaczmarek, Marilyn
- [--?--], Marsha - wife of Sliva, David W.
- Betley, Robert F. - husband of Weber, Florence H.
- Bromeier, Donald - husband of Weber, Diane
- Parker, Joseph - husband of Weber, Eileen
- Peskura, Cynthia - daughter of Weber, Virginia A. "Ginger"
- Peskura, Wayne R. Jr. - son of Weber, Virginia A. "Ginger"
- Peskura, Wayne R. Sr. - husband of Weber, Virginia A. "Ginger"
- Stojkov, Paula - wife of Sliwa, Stanley W.
- Teklitz, Frank J. - husband of Weber, Florence H.
- Teklitz, Frank - son of Weber, Florence H.
- Teklitz, Greg - son of Weber, Florence H.
- Weber, Diane - daughter of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Eileen - daughter of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Florence H. - daughter of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Frederick - son of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Linda Susan - daughter of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Richard - son of Sliwa, Helen Mary
- Weber, Virginia A. "Ginger" - daughter of Sliwa, Helen Mary
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