- Drury, Florence E. - added maiden name, middle initial and obit
- Mechling, Catherine I. - added obit and month/year of death
- Mechling, Dale Forest - added date of death and obit line
- Mechling, Florence `Bonnie` - added first name
- Mechling, James - added date of birth and marriage
- Mechling, Marie C. - added middle initial
- Mechling, Paul A. - added date of birth, middle initial and marriage
- Reinke, Helen E. - added year of birth, date of death, and obit
- Reinke, Henry A. - added middle initial, date of death, and obit
- Reinke, Herman - added date of birth, month/year of death and spouse
- Reinke, Julius H., Jr. - added date of birth, month/year of death, middle initial and spouse
- Reinke, Julius, Sr. - added year of birth, date of death, and obit
- Reinke, Olga D. - added date of birth, date of death, middle initial
- Reinke, Walter F. - added date of birth, middle initial, date of death, and obit
New Individuals (29)
- bachman, male
- Fletcher, Steve
- Fullerton, male
- Green, Larry Joe
- Hall, male
- Hooser, male
- Kelso, male
- LePan, Mildred
- Luft, Adam
- Luft, Alice L.
- Luft, Betty K.
- Luft, Duane E.
- Luft, Elroy T.
- Mechling, Val
- Milgate, Richard
- Newman, Arlie
- Oberst, Daniel H.
- Pleban, Cheryl L.
- Reinke, Jacqueline
- Reinke, Mary M.
- Reinke, Roberta
- Reinke, Walter L.
- Stefanick, male
- Torok, male
- Wills, Flora C.
- [--?--] Mechling, Janet
- [--?--] Reinke, Doris
- [--?--] Reinke, Ella A.
- [--?--] Reinke, Tillie
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