Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sirl / Green pictures

Katherine Howe's great-granddaughter Kelly Moran sent me 3 pictures that I've put onto the website.

Pic #1 is of Katherine Josephine Howe (formerly Green / nee Sirl) in her later years.

Pic #2 is Katherine's son Raymond Francis Green with a "cousin." I believe that the cousin is Dorothy W. Weilemann (later Rooth) and have so listed the picture. This early 1920s picture may have been taken at Geauga Lake. Ray's grandparents had a stand at Geauga Lake per Gertrude Malone's letter. Is anyone here old enough to remember how Geauga Lake used to look? (Perhaps a newly-turned 65-year old?)

Pic #3 is identified only as "Ray and George". Raymond Francis Green is the boy on the left and George William Green Jr. is the boy on the right. George was born in 1909 and Ray in 1912 which would date this picture in the late 1910s. It's possible that the older woman on the left is their grandmother Alice McCarthy and the man in the picture is their father George William Green Sr. As for the younger woman and the older boy??. Any ideas?

Kelly would welcome any reminsences re Katherine and her sons George and Ray Green. Ray is Kelly's grandfather.

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